0.1 Ceyla
Born 1971 in Sri Lanka
Gender: female
Since 1976 in the zoo Zurich

Mother of:
Komali born: 1984 / died 1995
Panang born: 1989 / lives in: Münchner Tierpark Hellabrunn / D.
Upali born: 1994 / lives in: Zoo Dublin / Irland
Xian born: 1997 / died 1999
Aishu geb: 2000 / died 2003
Farha geb: 3.5.2005
0.1 Farha

Born 3.5.2005
Farha is the 6th baby of Ceyla.
Mother of: Ruwani
0.1 Ruwani

Born: 25.2.2017
Daughter of Fahra and Thai
0.1 Indy

Born: 1986 in Burma
1988 Circus Knie
Since 1999 in the zoo Zurich
Mother of:
Chandra 13.5.02
Fahim 24.7.2005
Omysha 17.6.2014
0.1 Chandra

Born: 2002
0.1 Omysha

Born: 17.6.2014 Video of the birth
1.0 Maxie

Born: 1969 in Thailand
1971 Circus Chipperfield/GB
Since 1981 Zürcher Zoo
Father of:
Komali born:1984/died:1995
Lohimi born:1985/died:1988 Circus KNIE
Panang geb:1989/lives in Munich Zoo Germany
Boy born:1992/Circus KNIE lives in Kobe/Japan
Upali born:1994/lives in Zoo von le Pal in France
Xian born:1997 / died:1999
Aishu born:2000 / gest. 15.10.2003
Chandra born: 2002
Farha born: 2005
Fahim born: 2005
Omysha born: 2014
1.0 Thai

Born: 2004 in Hamburger Tierpark Hagenbeck
2010 living in Heidelberg Zoo
Since 12.8.2014 in Zoo Zürich
Father of: Ruwani geb: 25.2.2017
Indy – Ruwani – Chandra- Maxie

All photos from: www.elefriends.ch