Can elephants swim and dive? Like all mammals (except humans and apes, who have to learn how to swim), elephants are very good, untiring swimmers. Elephants move all four legs to swim and are ...
Elephants in Snow and Cold
Do elephants freeze? When the zoo public – being themselves wrapped up in thick coats, gloves and woolly hats – see the elephants in winter in the outside enclosure, they wonder, whether it’s not ...
Bottle fed elephantbaby – Upali
Who is Upali? Upali was born after a gestation of 662 days, on November 14, 1994 at 3.15 a.m. After Komali and Panang, Upali was Ceyla’s 3rd birth. 2 Weeks later, Upali withdrew, became ...
Bigness and weight of the elephants
How heavy is a fully-grown elephant? An approximately 20-year-old Asian elephant cow weighs 3500 – 4500 kg on average, and measures around 2.6 metres at the back. An elephant bull weighs about 5000 – ...
Keeping the elephants busy or the Behavioural Enrichment for the zoo elephants
Why do zoo elephants need to be kept occupied? In the wild, animals are active day and night looking for food and water, trying to evade their enemies, defending their territory, looking for a ...
African elephants
Are there different elephant species? The African elephant can be divided into 2 subspecies: Steppe elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) The steppe elephant settles in different habitats from the open grass country to wooded regions including ...